Virtual Laboratories

Cybertory: virtual molecular biology lab


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enterSequence analysis - Direct link to the tools (transcription-translation, sequence pattern search, sequence massager)

página General instructions for the use of Cybertory.


Possible applications:


  1A 1B 1C 1D 2A 2B 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
using electrophoresis sí sí sí   sí sí sí sí sí sí sí sí sí
using restriction enzymes sí sí     sí           sí   sí
using PCR           sí sí sí sí sí   sí sí

páginaGeneral instructions for the use of Cybertory.

  1. Genetic diagnosis; βAS polymorphism in the beta globin gene, responsible for drepanocytosis and drepanocytic anaemia (sickle cell anaemia):
    1A pdf Testing restriction enzymes for the analysis of this polymorphism by RFLP. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1299796
        mostrarSome enzyme sets suitable for this practical.
    1B pdf Molecular genetic diagnosis of the polymorphism by RFLP. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1299811
    1C pdf DNA sequencing to analyse this polymorphism (dideoxynucleotides method). doi:10.5281/zenodo.1299816
    1D pdf Introduction to genomic sequence databases and analysis of sequences related to this polymorphism. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1299825
  2. Forensic analysis: genetic identification of individuals:
    2A pdf Using RFLP. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1299843 New v.1.1 after repairing a technical failure (Aug.2024)
    2B pdf Using multiplex PCR on STR markers (CoDIS). doi:10.5281/zenodo.3607339
  3. pdf Paternity test using multiplex PCR on STR markers (CoDIS).
  4. pdf Genetic diagnosis, personalised medicine. Identification of polymorphic variants on cytochrome P450 (CYP2C9), using multiplex PCR. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1299846
  5. pdf Genetic diagnosis of celiac disease. Identification of polymorphic variant associated to celaic disease, using multiplex PCR on the DQ2 and DQ8 markers. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1299854
  6. pdf Dairy product analysis. Identification of the source of milk (cow, sheep or goat) by analysis of mitochondrial DNA. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1299860
  7. pdf Vegetable oil analysis. Identification of a poossible adulteration of olive oil with other specis by analysis of chloroplast DNA. (not yet available)
  8. pdf Detection of a plant resistance gene. Detection of the presence or absence of the allele responsible for resistance to nematodes, aphids and whiteflies in tomato plants by analysis ot their DNA. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7997161
  9. pdf Viral infection test. Identification of infection by coronavirus or by common flu virus using multiplex PCR on cDNA obtained from samples. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3730995
  10. pdf Genetic diagnosis. Detection of a mutation in protooncogene RET causing multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2A (MEN2A). doi:10.5281/zenodo.5168483

Simulation of celulose acetate electrophoresis of proteins

Access the simulator:

entrada for serum proteins

entrada for LDH isoenzymes

entrada virtual experiment with LDH isoenzymes


Possible applications:

Simulation of SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of proteins

entrada Acces the simulator.


Possible applications:


These are integrated into the simulation page:

mostrarPractice problem 1: influence of the voltage applied.

mostrarPractice problem 2: influence of the acrylamide concentration.

mostrarPractice problem 3: estimation of molecular mass of the unknown proteins.

mostrarPractice problem 4: determination of quaternary structure (I).

mostrarPractice problem 5: determination of quaternary structure (II).

UV-VIS spectrophotometry laboratories

Simulator of ultraviolet absorption spectra for proteins and nucleic acids

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  • Protein and DNA absorption spectrum between 230 and 340 nm.
  • Absorbance values at 260 and 280 nm, and the ratio between both.
  • Predefined profiles: proteins, DNA and four mixtures.
  • Custom profiles based on proportion provided for each type of molecule.
  • Possible to superimpose sucessive spectra to compare them.


  • Demonstration of the analytical value of the technique for checking DNA contamination with proteins or vice versa.

Virtual UV-VIS spectrophotometer

A) Spectra

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  • Absorption spectrum of diverse substances between 200 and 800 nm.
  • Preparation of dilutions.


  • Relation between absorbance and concentration.
  • Fundamentals of a protein quantitation assay.
  • Determination of absorption spectra; search for λmax

B) Quantitative assays with standard curve

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  • Determination of glucose concentration.
  • Lowry assay for proteins.
  • Determination of creatinine.


  • Analytical experiments with colorimetric assay, endpoint determination.

C) Kinetic assays

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  • Determination of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase activity.


  • Analytical experiments with colorimetric assay along time.

Colorimetric assay for enzyme activity

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  • Enzyme activity assay.
  • Effect of pH and temperature on the activity of an enzyme.


  • Search for optimal conditions for the enzyme.

Determination of ketone bodies

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  • Semiquantitative test on reactive strips.
  • Intensity of colour obtained depends on acetoacetate concentration in the samples.


  • Diabetes diagnosis.

MTT assay for cell viability

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  • Dehydrogenase activity assay as an indicator of cell metabolic viability, using a 24-well plate with adherent cells.


  • Cytotoxicity assay.

Circular dichroism spectrum of proteins

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  • CD spectrum between 173 and 250 nm.
  • Only the final result is displayed.
  • Predefined profiles: alpha, beta, turn, random and four example proteins.
  • Custom profiles based on the proportion of each type of secondary structure given by the user.
  • Posibility to superimpose spectra for comparison.


  • Demostrating the analytical value of the circular dichroism technique to differenciate types of secondary structure in proteins.
  • Prediction of CD spectra.

Chromatography simulations

Column chromatography of proteins

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  • Several types of stationary phase, for:
    • molecular exclusion (gel filtration)
    • anionic and cationic exchange
    • affinity
  • Analisis of samples made of 3 proteins.
  • Choose among 13 predefined proteins or proteins with user-provided properties (Mr, pI).
  • Shows progress of the protein bands along the column as well as así recording of chromatogram (absorbance versus elution volume).

Possible applications:

  • To illustrate the mechanism of separation on each type of matrix. Effect of pH on ion exchange.
  • Assay of conditions for resolution of proteins in a sample (for example, for analysis or for purification).

Working plans:

Project: design of problem-solving activities using the simulator.

Ion exchange chromatography to determine glycated haemoglobin

entrada Access the simulator.


  • Separation of components in a haemoglobin sample to quantify the glycated fraction (HbA1c).
  • Diabetes diagnosis.

Thin layer chromatography for the analysis of mixtures

Access the virtual experiment:

entrada with amino acids

entrada with lipids

entrada with plant pigments


Except for explicit exceptions, all the content in these virtual laboratories are offered under Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike licence