In this simulator or virtual laboratory we can explore how the activity of an enzyme varies depending on the conditions of its environment.
The enzyme we will study is 6-O-α-L-ramnosyl-D-glucosidase, EC, from Actinoplanes missouriensis, included in the sample for the assay.
The objective is to find optimal pH and temperature conditions for this enzyme.
- Slide the controls to pick a pH and a temperature for the assay.
- Press, in order, the buttons to add components of the reaction mixture into the cuvette.
The “add substrate” button will first empty the cuvette.
The “add sample” button will start the incubation.
- Once the colour has developed, press the button in the spectrophotometer to measure absorbance, and write down its value.
- Systematically change either pH or temperature and write down each absorbance value in your lab notebook, or in the table on the right.