HIV-1 gp120 envelope glycoprotein complexed with CD4 antigen

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Now let's look at the structure of the gp120 of HIV. In this image the alpha helices are shown in dark pink and the beta sheets in yellow-orange. The connecting segments are in white. The glycoprotein shown in the image below is not complete since the N-terminus is missing up to residue 89 . The protein chain is folded into an inner and an outer domain which are linked by an anti-parallel four-stranded bridging . This microdomain is also in contact with the and the . To see this rotate the molecule using the mouse or here . Also found extending from the outer domain is a region consisting of the beta 15 sheet and the alpha 3 helix . This is also in contact with the CD4 molecule.

Further changes and selection may be made using the Jmol menu. Right click on the molecule to show the Jmol menu.

The paper in Nature describing this is here - Protein database information is here - Go back to the previous page here.

© Richard Hunt, University of South Carolina School of Medicine.
Ported to Jmol by Angel Herráez, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain.

HIV envelope glycoprotein, gp120
Structure: alpha helix, beta sheet


N terminus: Thr 90

C terminus: Glu 492

Carbohydrate chains
on HIV gp120
(Best seen with gp120 spacefill)

Show CD4 antigen

Show chemokine binding site

Hydrophobic interactions of viral gp120 to cellular CD4
gp120 residues

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