DNA modelDNA modelA estrutura do DNA

Un tutoriais interativo e animado criado pelo Eric Martz
Adaptado ao uso do J(S)mol pelo Angel Herráez
Parte do Web site Biomodel de Angel Herráez, Univ. de Alcalá (Espanha)

A. A dupla hélice do DNA: pareamento de bases e pontes de hidrogênio
DNA pairs
DNA pairs
B. O código genético e a replicação do DNA
DNA code
Explicaçao de códons e anticódons
C. A estrutura das fitas e o "esqueleto" de fosfato/desoxi-ribose
DNA strands
D. As extremidades 5' e 3' e o antiparalelismo das fitas
DNA ends

This tutorial is designed to complement Biology or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology books, so it is not by itself a complete introduction to DNA structure.

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  3. This tutorial is designed to complement an introduction to DNA, by providing tools for a self-directed exploration. It does not tell a story (but does offer questions for students and a lesson plan for teachers). As a preamble to the tutorial below, or for a story that introduces DNA structure with interactive molecular graphics, we recommend
  4. Páginas do tutoriais animado interativo (A, B, C, D): please visit the 4 sections in the colored panels.
  5. Questions for Students and a Lesson Plan for Teachers.
    More Molecules for High School Teachers.
  6. more on DNA More DNA Resources includes tutorials for high school students, college freshmen, interactive Shockwave simulations of agarose gel electrophoresis to learn about electrical charge of DNA, cutting with restriction endonucleases, etc.

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