For full details, see the Jmol Scripting Documentation.
Note: the isoSurface command is complex; we will only scratch the surface.
Concept and types of molecular surfaces:
Commands and examples:
Molecular surface around some part of the molecule:
isosurface protSurf select (protein) ignore (not protein) molecular; isosurface ligSurf select (ligand) ignore (not ligand) molecular;
color $protSurf translucent blueTint; color $ligSurf yellowTint; |
Looking for pockets:
isosurface prot2 select (protein) ignore (not protein) interior cavity 1.2 10;
color $prot2 blue; color $prot2 translucent; |
isosurface prot3 select (protein) ignore (not protein) pocket cavity 1.2 10;
color $prot3 yellow; hide protein; hide add water; hide add carbohydrate; |
Easiest: the most recently generated isosurface can be saved from the pop-up menu
and you will get a "Save As..." dialogor use the command write isosurface "myFileName"; which will NOT ask for the folder to save into.
isosurface "myFileName";
isosurface prot4 "myFileName";