Groups of consecutive commands that you want to reuse may be stored in a text file. This is called a script, meaning a storyboard (a "Jmol script" saved into a "script file").
It is common among Jmol users to name the file with an .spt extension, but you may use anything, e.g. .txt. Important: it is a plain-text file; you need a text editor (e.g. Windows Notepad), not a word processor like MS-Word.
Each command may go in its own line, or you may put several in one line but then you must use semicolons (;) to separate them.
select protein cartoon only color group select ligand spacefill 23% wireframe 0.15 color cpk |
select protein; cartoon only; color group; select ligand; spacefill 23%; wireframe 0.15; color cpk; |
You can then run a script in any of these ways: