Production of webpages using Jmol Export to Web module (Jmol v.14)
- You need to have Java installed in the computer.
- Download the Jmol "distribution" (e.g. from
- Extract (unzip) the files :: it will create a folder like jmol-14.0.13
Actually, you will only need 2 of the files in there (you can delete the others):
- Jmol.jar - permanently
- - temporarily (until you unzip it)
- Find the file among the extracted contents
- Extract (unzip) all files contained in the file - it will create a jsmol folder. Pay attention to where it is located, or move it to your preferred place.
- Run the Jmol.jar (you need to have Java installed). Load a molecular file, do what you wish with it.
- Open the Export to Web module from the top menu in Jmol or the toolbar.
- When you have created your scenes, click the "Save" button and choose a name (for a new folder) below the jsmol folder that you already had. Leave the paths (in text slots) as "..".
- Always carry with you the whole structure of jsmol folder and subfolders, including those that you create for the molecular scenes.
- Files you may delete -- if you want to clean up or reduce the file load:
- all files extracted from except Jmol.jar
- all .htm files extracted from (keep the .js files)
- these folders extracted from : data, flot, jquery, js, jsme, spt