Quadruple helix in DNA: G-tetrads

In this example, a single-stranded DNA turns over itself to form an association of 4 local strands in parallel, which while approaching form 3 guanosine tetrads. This kind of structure may be found specially in telomeres (with a repetitive sequence ttaggg).


DNA: 5′ .. .. 3′


just one tetrad of paired guanosines.

Potassium ions, K+, coordinated by the carbonyl groups in guanines, help stabilise the structure.

Structure of the guanosine tetrad:

  (animated scheme)

  • Two Hoogsteen-type hydrogen bonds between each two guanines.
  • Octaedral coordination of the monovalent ion (K+) with the O6 in guanines (4 from one tetrad and 4 from the next one)
  • Four-chain structure of DNA when several consecutive tetrads are stacked.